I'm That Jew began as an original six-minute video titled #IMTHATJEW, which has been seen almost 15 million times across social media. The video pays homage to different types of Jews across political leanings, professions, aspirations, nationalities, and personal preferences, showing the diversity that exists among the Jewish People. Visually, it includes a long list of Jewish politicians, actors, artists, musicians, officials, celebrities, doctors, novelists, and scientists, from Amy Winehouse, Shimon Peres and Sergey Brin, to Steven Spielberg, Golda Meir, Michael Bloomberg and the Beastie Boys.
With antisemitism ever-present and always on the rise - during times of peace and especially when Israel is being attacked by terrorists in times of war, this message of Jewish pride is essential. To bind us.
Violence and hatred directed at Jews include words, but more often than not, actions as well. Actions that threaten our security and existence. It is during these hard times that Jewish People must come together, put aside our differences, and remember we are one people.
A strong, unapologetic, and resilient nation.
Our purpose is to develop creative initiatives such as films, animations, articles, content for all sorts of mediums and social media campaigns to show the pride the Jewish People have for our heritage and accomplishments. I'm That Jew encourages us all to speak up, be vocal and encourage our allies to do so, and to keep our heads high during hard times. To maintain that rallying cry that unites us together - as one people.
Today, I'm That Jew has grown to become a multifaceted and multimedia project including a TedX Talk, a growing social media presence, a website and even an installation at the ANU Museum of the Jewish People in Tel Aviv, not to mention tens of articles from Variety Magazine and The Times of Israel and the Jewish Chronicle that have had over twenty million impressions. I'm That Jew was founded by Creative Director Eitan Chitayat of Natie Branding Agency who spearheads the initiatives.